Redesign Logo
Realizing that a redesign doesn’t mean I need to start from scratch with everything, I reclaim the logo from the previous design to use on the new site.
Redesign Intro
Eager to build more than the blog, I write about bringing a new content model to the site in the form of an intro on the homepage.
Redesign Favicon
Similar to the post itself, there’s not much to this description besides indicating that I replace the default favicon with my own.
Redesign RSS feed location
In this post, I second-guess the path to the site’s RSS feed and refactor it to support multiple feeds, which will most likely be overkill in the end.
Redesign TypeScript
Taking a break from visible progress, I implement TypeScript on the site as a way for me to finally learn what the big deal is all about.
Redesign Sideways progress
Rather than moving the needle further, I spend a night going down a rabbit hole that does leave me without much to show, but I still consider it progress.
Redesign Pagination
A dozen posts into writing for the new site, I recognize a need for pagination and write about implementing it in Contentful.
Redesign Links
After referencing another post in the form of a link, I find myself needing to build a custom renderer in Contentful.
Redesign Footnotes
A friend pointed out a mistake in an earlier post I wrote, so I implemented footnotes to allow for corrections while still maintaining the original writing.
Redesign Line-height
In a move to improve readability, I adjust the leading on the site to provide more breathing room between lines of text.
Redesign Max-width
With the discovery of the ch unit type in CSS and guidance on the ideal character-based line width, I set out to enforce a max-width on the site’s body copy.
Redesign Syntax highlighting
With an increasing number of code snippets in my posts, I introduce Prism.js to the site for much improved syntax highlighting.
Redesign WebP fallback on Safari
After fetching WebP formatted images from Contentful’s image API, I realize that Safari doesn’t support WebP and requires a fallback PNG.
Redesign Responsive images
A forgotten CSS style prevents the images on the site from resizing for mobile, but a new discovery of Contentful’s image API leads to the perfect max-width.
Redesign Dates
In order to maintain a chronologically aware blog, I add dates to posts and the RSS feed using the date-fns library.
Redesign Images
After realizing that Contentful’s rich text renderer doesn’t include a renderer for assets, I create my own using Contentful’s image API.
Redesign Lighthouse, Now build env vars, and Nuxt manifest
To keep myself in check, I install a Lighthouse integration to score the site’s performance and accessibility.
Redesign Title and article links
With a description as short as the post itself, I write about adding a site title and links to the article titles.
Redesign RSS feed
After being nudged by the elders of the web, I implement an RSS feed for those who are still sour about the demise of Google Reader—myself included.
Redesign Contentful preview API hiccup
Neglecting to read the manual, I hit a snag and blame Contentful’s API before inevitably realizing that the problem exists between the keyboard and chair.
Redesign Hello World
In this inaugural post, I set out on an adventure to redesign my site while documenting its process along the way.
Redesign Continue reading / Stay in the loop
While thinking through adding the ability for people to receive posts as emails, I took a detour and reworked the footer area for posts.
Redesign Prefetch and better fetching
Redesign Reply link in RSS feed posts
Redesign Filter by category
Redesign Should I email my posts, too?
Redesign Contentful asset URLs
Redesign Blog index sticky nav
Redesign Contentful mishaps
Redesign Short-form vs long-form posts
Redesign Casper homepage section
While embedding the fixed-size Casper animation on the homepage, I face the technical challenge of gracefully scaling the animation on smaller viewports.
Redesign Blog index
With the goal of improving the UX of the blog’s index, I redesign the layout for easier skimming over the entirety of the blog and better organizing of posts.
Redesign Stripe homepage section
Initially about the Stripe section of the homepage, this post quickly diverges into a tirade about frameworks and how vanilla JS is much more future-proof.
Redesign Article pagination
After realizing that my articles lead to a dead end after reading, I describe how I added pagination in the form of links to adjacent articles.
Redesign Context-aware logo
This post describes the technical workings of the anchored DT logo, which changes color based on the homepage section being scrolled through.
Redesign Homepage concept
Once I had enough time to come down after launching the homepage, I write about the concept of embedding all of my scroll-based animations onto one page.
Redesign Homepage
Instead of accompanying the launch of the new homepage with a lengthy process post, I preferred to simply announce the page and enjoy it being out there.
Redesign Migrating
In preparation for the launch of the new redesign, I walk through migrating blog posts from the previous site and flipping the switch to the root domain.
Redesign Centered layout
This is a quick post about giving into the centered layout after months of enjoying the classic left-aligned layout.
Redesign Contact links
After realizing the site didn’t include any way of reaching me, I add Twitter and mailto links to the header.